What's Life Like at HPCS?
How do I drop my children off in the morning? What do I send with my children to school? What's different at HPCS from a public school? Who do I inform if my children will be gone? How do I update family information? Can I bring birthday treats in for my child?
There is a lot you need to know about school! Whether you are new to the HPCS community or have been here for years, this page contains information for all of our families. If you have additional questions or concerns that are not addressed here, please contact our school office.
Download the App today!
Are you a current HPCS parent? Please take time now to download our new High Point Christian School App!
Get Started in Minutes:
1. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store by searching "High Point Christian School".
2. Enable notifications for school updates. (Emergency/school closure alerts will still be sent via text.)
3. Create a profile: Log in using your FACTS Family Portal credentials to access features like "Gradebook" and "Lunch ordering."
Parent's Night Info
Family Portal
Family Portal is your hub for all things High Point Christian School. On Family Portal you will update all student and family information, view students' grades, find helpful documents, and much more!
Check out this video you can watch* that will walk you through everything you need to know about using Family Portal!
*Password: Portal
You can also take a look at this cheat sheet on how to utilize Family Portal specifically to HPCS.
Did you know there's a FACTS Family App? The app is a great way to have quick access to important information that you would normally find in the FACTS Family Portal-right at your fingertips! Download it today through your app store (Google or Apple).
District Code:
Madison Campus: HP-WI
Reminder! You can click the “Family Portal” icon at the very top of this page to be directed to the Family Portal login!
General Carpool Protocols
- School begins at 8:00 AM; doors open at 7:50 AM. No early drop-offs.
- School ends and students are released at 3:23 PM.
- Have your yellow name card visible for pick up.
- Stay in pre-determined lane of traffic for safety of students and staff.
- Do not access the carpool line by cutting in.
- GO SLOW - no need to speed.
- No pets at carpool, please!
- Please refrain from having private conversations with any staff at this time.
Office Information
Phone: (608) 836-7170
Fax: (608) 824-9135
Email: office@hpcsmadison.org
Office Hours*: Monday-Friday
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
*Our office may be closed over breaks and holidays. These hours do not reflect summer hours.