Mission Statement
Past, Present, and Future
In 1974, the leadership at Middleton Baptist Church had the vision of opening a Christian school on Madison's west side. Through that vision and leadership, Middleton Christian School (MCS) was birthed and in 1975 the first school year began. Over the course of the years, Middleton Baptist Church eventually relocated and became the now non-denominational, evangelical fellowship High Point Church. It was at that same time, in August 1991, that our name also changed to the now High Point Christian School.
HPCS was not originally a 3K-8th grade school. In September 2005, HPCS officially opened its doors to preschool students for the first time, and we have since continued teaching preschool students. When the fall of 2011 came around, HPCS and Abundant Life Christian School consolidated to become Madison Christian Schools: One school with two campuses. In 2017, the vision of Madison Christian Schools was expanded to areas outside of Madison and the organization was renamed Impact Christian Schools, of which HPCS is still a part of today. In September 2018, HPCS helped plant what is now Mount Horeb Christian School, which began operating independently for the first time in the 2023-24 school year.
From our humble beginnings with 30 students, to now having over 250 students, we continue to strive for academic excellence and offer classes and programs that consistently challenge our students. Our classes and programs are rooted in our mission to develop students who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ through the use of an excellent, comprehensive, Biblically-integrated education program.
Contact Us
Phone: (608) 836-7170
Fax: (608) 824-9135
Email: office@hpcsmadison.org
Office Hours*: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
*Our office may be closed over breaks and holidays. These hours do not reflect summer hours.